for any hiring or other concerns, my email is [email protected] or @unkemptpubes on discord ...a little about meim from vietnam :-) i mostly write but i draw as well. my blood type is C for cadriel and i have 30 teeth (not counting the wisdom ones cus im not very smart)if you are struggling/low income i can do discounts i dont think art and culture should only be for those with money :-pwriting 1 cent per word / 10$ for 1000 words
art for personal use 1-5$
art for commercial or business use 5$ and/or cut of any profit madeprices negotiable / i will waiver when i want to
past experience:previously published/printed in magazines such as white cresset arts journal, RECESSES zine, hyacinth review, the serulian, metachrosis lit, queering the quill, here and there. love u guyshired as an artist/designer for some stores n whatnot